Building an Incubator for Solutions to the Complex Problems Faced in the 21st Century
Integrated Research and Innovation Center
Working in the heart of the UI campus, Hoffman delivers a new 78,000 SF research facility featuring a high-tech visualization laboratory, flexible research labs, video conferencing, and other specialized spaces.
This $43 million, 78,000 SF research facility is designed to have faculty and students from diverse fields integrate their research and find solutions for the complex problems faced in the 21st century. The project earned LEED Gold.
How could we create flexible spaces that could serve a diverse set of users for decades to come?
The project team’s collaborative preconstruction effort included reviewing each system and its location with a wide variety of potential users. This enabled us to integrate systems that serve general needs and can be inexpensively adapted to future needs as they arise.
Project Story
Flexible Laboratory Space
To maximize flexible laboratory spaces that would serve a diverse set of users for decades to come, Hoffman’s collaborative preconstruction effort included reviewing each system and its location with a wide variety of potential users. This enabled the team to integrate systems that serve general needs and inexpensively adapt to future needs as they arise.

No Impact to Campus
Working closely with the University, Hoffman ensured no impact to the campus community by mitigating dust, fumes, and noise, and scheduling deliveries around campus activities. The site access route was set to minimize interaction between the campus community and construction traffic. Hoffman actively enforced this with subcontractors and suppliers.